What are your Freedoms

Why give away your freedoms?

In an era where choices seem abundant, the question of why one might willingly surrender freedoms becomes crucial.

Often, the allure of security, convenience, or the promise of a better future can tempt individuals to trade autonomy for perceived safety. Giving away freedoms can lead to short-term gains in stability, but it also opens the door to long-term consequences that can erode personal agency and self-determination.

Understanding the motivations behind such decisions is essential in fostering a society that values both safety and individual rights.

The balance between freedom and security requires careful consideration, as the sacrifices made today can shape the reality of tomorrow.

What’s your down ballot look like?

Mine includes Harris, Brown, Christian, Hubbell, Donofrio & Scarmack.

I am Michael Scarmack, and I trust in Democracy for Everyone!

Down-ballot reasonable majority rationale


Will people let Democracy die?